Oh the humanity!
My exploits of the past few days in pokerland start ah like a fairy tail. I started out playing $25 and $50 buy in Pot Limit Omaha and quickly progress up to $100 and then stick at $200 a while. My bankroll is not exactly up to snuff to handle the swings at this level but what the hell, I gave it a shot. I go on a rampage and pick up some nice pots and low and behold all of a sudden I'm $500 up for the day. Well, after a little break to grab some food etc I find my way back and get destroyed through a couple of suckouts and some horrendous donktastic play on my part. Yes, even the almighty pokerbot101 makes plenty of bad poker plays... especially at a new game. I feel I understand enough to hold my own at the $200 buy in Pot Limit level now but barely as a break even player. I lost that $500 and another $300 to boot before I made a comeback to even. Even so, I'm not about to give up. This game is some sick sick action. You can have the nuts and a redraw to a better nuts. One hand a friend showed me a screen capture of has him flopping trips, then hitting a straight flush on the turn and rivering quads!

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