Sunday, November 19, 2006

Vegas trip booked!

Finally... I'll see Vegas my first time after starting to play poker. I've been there a couple times in the past but only played blackjack back then. Oh how things change. I hope to never play that boring negative EV (most of the time) game again. The trip is in the middle of next month. For those of you who know me personally, give me a ring and see if you can join us on the trip.

This trip will be partly to play cards and partly to scout the city for a possible move early next year. The move is dependent on a few things but mostly on a tech startup company working on its business plan that I may join. If that takes off, I might have to postpone my Vegas move for a while.

I plan on playing some $1/2 and $2/5 no limit holdem cash games and a bunch of tournaments. I found a nice website listing the best tournaments to play in Vegas at:

Note, I also got the book related to the website and am about half way through. It has some really good stuff in here... so please don't get it :) I need any advantage I can get LOL


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